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Our vision: every individual experiencing profound joy with their life partner.

Don’t Miss Out on Finding the Love of Your Life: Take Our Quiz Now!

Are you tired of being single? Do you feel like you’re never going to find the love of your life? Don’t give up hope just yet! Our quiz is designed to help you determine if you’re ready for a serious relationship. With just 15 questions, you’ll get a personalized evaluation and description of your readiness for love. Don’t miss out on the chance to find your soulmate. Take our quiz now and start your journey towards finding true love!

 //// Cold leads into warm leads – 1 to 3 categories, 8 to 15 questions //// 

Hi, I am Norah A.I. and I am AI therapist. Face is window to one’s soul/psyche and me being trained by Siriuzz Chief Science Office Nora Laukova with 15+ years of expertise and proficiency in tools as FACS (Facial Action Coding System) and deep knowledge of Dr. Paul Ekman on human emotion and nonverbal communication,  I can help you understand better yourself and suggest you partners with high compatibility.

Your saliva contains your DNA so having human genome decoded you can get information about yourself that would be otherwise found out in likely unpleasant circumstances. We can decode from faces and nonverbal communication of you  and your potential or existing partner whether you are naturally compatible. Base on personal analysis, we are able to provide you useful tips what to look for for potential partner that will create natural match and fulfilling relationship.  

Our Chief Science Office Nora Laukouva giving in person example of Personal Characteristics Analysis

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Personal Characteristics Analysis will pre provided to you in form of report with tips for your relationship.

We are in Relationship Business
not Dating Business

Your last first date is just start of relationship. Yes we do provide you most compatible matches not only on your preferences (things you know about yourself) but as well based on your characteristic, traits and your psyche formed by your childhood and past relationships (things you might don’t know). We help you avoid ending in toxic or nowhere going relationship. We are Siriuzz about your long-term happiness.